Our Services

We provide individual consultations and interventions with parents, children, and families. Our focus addresses children up to twenty-eight years old. 

The process:  Contact Susan Magestro at 907-529-7151 or send an email requesting an intake meeting. Susan will send you paperwork to complete and return back to her. This can happen in as little as twenty-four hours. These initial intake meetings last two hours. During that intake meeting, we will determine the specific needs and issues for the child, parents, and/or family and come up with a tentative plan.

When hired, Susan will work directly with the parent, the child and eventually with the family as needed. These meetings are usually between one to two hours with strategies of interventions and a safe and healthy conclusion for all. The number of contacts varies depending on the individualized needs of the family.

You are not alone and you are not the only family experiencing these issues, even though at times you feel like you are. If you are finding you are in any of these situations, please do not hesitate to contact Susan at either 907-529-7151 or sulamaestra@gmail.com 

  • I’m afraid of my child / I think my child is going to hurt me

  • My child is always angry, always raging

  • My child is totally addicted to social media

  • Behavior Issues: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) / Conduct Disorder (CD) / Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • My child has an incarcerated parent

  • My child is the victim of bullying (physically, emotionally or on social media)

  • My child is failing in school and doesn’t care

  • My child seems to lack motivation to do anything

  • I am worried about who my child is hanging around with

  • I am concerned about some things I have found in my child’s bedroom

  • My child has trauma they cannot seem to move past

  •  I’m not sure what is wrong with my child, but something is not right

Our Strategies

The powerful strategies developed by Criminologist and Interventionist Susan Magestro are intended for professionals (teachers, counselors, administrators, nurses, doctors, therapists, social workers, psychologists, mental health specialists, law enforcement and corrections officers, attorneys, and judges), parents, and young people. These strategies provide techniques and tools to de-escalate self and others. They also provide professionals and parents with comprehensive composites of the reality of high-risk situations rather than exploring isolated events or issues.

  • The Anger Wheel provides a conversation starter to be able to articulate what is deep within us yet have been unable to express. Raging from Within: De-Escalating Angry People offers a genuine and honest understanding of what is causing the increase of the rage we are seeing. The Doors of Anger offers a way to look at the accumulation of anger that continually builds.

  • Truncated Grief offers explanations and solutions to those behaviors and situations that are least understood and oftentimes lead to intense rage. This is a type of unspoken, unresolved grief, that revolves around grieving those who are gone from us, but who are not dead.

  • The Analysis to Avert Disaster is a tool to evaluate the reality of what is known and what is missing, exploring a person’s life (family, peers, school, mental health, trauma, religion, social media, and community); warning signs, threat assessment and lack of reality to get the most complete understanding to best avert a disaster.

  • Gradations of Anger: oftentimes, people have “patterns” about what agitates and angers them. Additionally, there are patterns to the responses to how people respond to anger. Without identifying what these patterns of anger are, people cannot acknowledge them, or address how to change their behaviors. This can be a complex process that has been streamlined to make it easy for professionals, adults, and youth to identify, acknowledge, and plan to change the patterns to their responses to anger. This is also an excellent communication tool that can be used by two people to explore their escalating anger with each other.

Susan has used these tools and strategies in her work with high-risk youth, parents, and families at the “fork of the road,” averting school shootings, assaults, domestic violence, homicides, and in a multitude of other cases. Her popular community lecture, “Whose Running Your House?” offers humor and strategies as a way to deal with high-stress interactions with today’s youth and families.