Voices of Children of Incarcerated Parents

Over 14 million children (youth and adults) live with the secret of an incarcerated parent or a parent on probation or parole. How do they navigate this secret every day and how does life with this secret impact their lives? How does a child navigate the world when their parent is an infamous criminal? Is it better for the child to visit, or not to visit their incarcerated parent and the enormous ramifications of this experience. 

Join us live via Zoom for any or all of the five different topics to include several speakers.

The sessions are offered over six weeks for a total of 12 hours.

The live sessions are at 8PM-10PM Eastern Time, 7PM-9PM Central Time, 6PM-8PM Mountain Time, 5PM-7PM Pacific Time, or 4PM-6PM Alaska Time.

Registration for the live classes may be paid for through the website. Live sessions are $40 per event or $200 for all six.

Participants can ask questions ahead of each class by emailing Susan (sulamaestra@gmail.com) to be included in the next session.

Books Offered For Each Class: ‘Reunification of Incarcerated Parents and their Children’ ($19.99 plus shipping & fees)

Alternatively, watch the session recordings (webinars) that will be offered for purchase ($35 per episode or $150 for all five) after the live sessions have occurred. To protect the privacy of the attendees, the webinars will not include the Q and A’s at the end of each session.

Cancellation of a live class session will result in access to the webinar. Processing fees will be deducted from refunds.

These are not college credit classes or CEU’s. If you want to seek CEU’s, we will offer you a certificate to submit to your governing agency.

****Coming in November 2024:  Explosive Youth:  Parental Fear and Accountability. More details to come.